Yay! I am finally posting some pictures of my apartment so that everyone can see what it looks like.

This is outside of my apartment, and what the surronding area looks like. That's me, walking away.

This is what it looks like when you walk out my front door.

And here is the front of the apartment, with Rick modeling for everyone. Nice job, Vanna!!

When you first walk in through the front door, the stairs are directly in front of you, with the living room off to the left.

Here is our living room. Look at our sofa and loveseat! I love them! The wall hanging behind the couch was made by my Nanny, and we like to say its magical. Everytime Skylar, our friend's baby comes over, if he starts to cry one look at that, and he stops! He
loves that quilt!!

Another angle, this time with our Christmas tree. The picture on the wall is one Paige drew and gave to me before I left. Both of the afghans on the back of the couches are ones that Rick's mom handmade. Since it is too warm here for anything that heavy, we like to display them on the back of our couch.

The beautiful mirror hanging above the shelf by the front door was Rick's grandma's. It has stained glass flowers all over it, its very pretty.

Rick's diploma proudly displayed on top of our bookshelf crammed with books, and of course, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!

Rick wanted this shelf
soooo bad that he was very impatient when we first went to get it. They were all out! It is rather nifty, the red and green things are bins that pull out.

Rick found this out by the dumpster by our house. Can you believe that someone tried to throw this away? I thought it was really nice!

OUr kitchen table, that I put together. All shelves, tables, desks, stands you see were put together by me. I'm a whiz at that stuff. The green vase is actually a green pitcher of my Great Grandma Benson's that I proudly display, and the painting is a pirate ship that Rick got in Hood River. It's one of his prized posessions.

Another view of the kitchen.

What it looks like out the french doors. Our "backyard". Right behind where the picture is being taken is forest.

I absolutely LOVE that our kitchen has a window. And a dishwasher! This kitchen is so HUGE compared to the one I had in Corvallis, which was literally a "hallway" kitchen, as i liked to call it. Not enough room for more than two people to stand. The closet you see to the left is the washer and dryer space, but since we don't have any, we use it for storage. beside that cabinet is the half bath.

The downstairs bathroom. Just a sink and a toliet. It's my bathroom, and I have it decorated in sunflowers, with pictures of sunflowers on the walls. The toliet is to the right, and it was too small to try to take a picture of my decorations on the walls.

This is the office, and Rick's computer.

My comptuer desk. Our decorating of the office is not complet yet. I just got this desk, so as of a few days ago, I was deskless.

Upstairs bathroom, Rick picked to decorate it with Suns and Moons.

The bedroom. It's huge. The pictures DO NOT give it justice.

Rick hung the lamps above the bed with dental floss. He hangs everything with dental floss. That quilt on the bed was made by Nanny, and it is beautiful. It matches with the color on our walls. We love it!

My kitty Sirius seems to pop up in all the pictures. You should see the pictures we took before these, they all turned out blurry but he was in EVERY picture. The quilt hanging over the bed is actually one I made when I was probably 10, with the help of my Nanny.

And a look down the stairs. We even have stockings on our stair well, with Christmas lights wrapped around it. And of course pictures on the wall. We have pictures everywhere! The funny thing you see hanging from the door handle is a kitty toy for Sirius, he goes crazy with that thing. He's so smart he figure out how to untie it and he will carry it everywhere, even upstairs. He likes to carry things around, he is an odd little kitty.
Well! That is the apartment. Sorry its taken so long for me to get pictures! Hopefully I will have some more soon, when the office is finished. Plus, we tend to rearrange our furniture a lot, so its always changing.
Kailey Christine
Also...too see more pictures, and a lot of the same ones, go to Rick's blog.