Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh Dear

Well it has been too long since I've written. But, here I am finally writing down something of what my life has become.

The south is not for me. I don't think it will ever be. The people are rude, no one can drive, the bugs are HUGE (the size of small cats), and I will NEVER get used to the weather. I miss the west coast.

I'm working two crappy mall jobs and am way underpaid. Minimum wage here is only $5.15, and although I'm maknig above that, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Feels like I'm at work all the time, but the money doesn't show that at all. My jobs wouldn't be so bad, except I'm tired of people only a few years older bossing me around and making me do there grunt work because they are too lazy to lift a finger and do it there selves. I'm not cut out for retail, I don't like bugging customers to the point of them breaking. I'm looking for a secretarial job, or something in a hospital where I can work normal hours, and not be home at 11 at night, or have to beg for the day off.

I will be coming home for Christmas, which is exciting! I will be home for almost three weeks. Our apartment is great, looks great. We have new furniture, and have decorated already for Christmas. It looks like a home, and not a college students domain.

Rick is not happy with the graduate student program here, so he is looking at other schools and jobs. Not to get anyone's hopes up yet, but we may end up somewhere close to the west. I'm crossing my fingers. I can't wait to get back into school. If anything, workng at the mall has made me realize how important a college degree is. I don't know bhow anyone can stand working there for the rest of their life. I'm burnt out and its only been a few months.

Well, that is all I have for now. I am getting ready to head over to our good friend's house, John and Harmony's. Every weekend, if I have the night off (which can be rare), we have a game night where we play board games. Its fun. John and Harmony recently had a baby, who is adorable! As soon as I can get some pictures, I will post them up. He is 3 months old now, and has discovered his voice. Its fun to listen to him babel.

Kailey Christine


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