Packing....packing...and yep you guessed it...packing
Well, I only have about 12 days until I'm officially moving!
I went home this past weekend and visited Mom and Dad. On the way, I stopped to say hello to Nanny and Grandpa, and wish Grandpa a Happy Birthday. I stayed for quite a while, until Sirius, my kitty, who I had brought along for the ride started getting a little noisy, and I needed to hit the road again.

I got to visit with old friends, Heidi, Kayla, Ciara, Christine, Greg, and I even briefly saw Chester! But I only got to see him for a few minutes. He got a new car and was off making the rounds, showing everyone. It's really nice!
I also went to the Myrtle Creek Summer Fest, and watched the fireworks with Bobby and Heidi, Christine and Greg, Cheryl, and Paige even ended up coming down! I even got to hang out with Donald for a while, whom I haven't seen in what seems like forever and a half. Katrina came and hung out with us for a while too. It was great!! :)
This picture makes me laugh. Mom posted it on her blog as well.

Had a blast at home with Mom, Dad and Paige. We mostly made fun of Dad :P We just sat around, drank slurpees, and dipped our feet in the pool (it was surprisingly chilly!) while we listened to the neighbors loud oldies music, and someone trying to sing, while attempting to demolish (er..."re-landscape") their yard. (They succeeded.....)
Other than that, things have been fairly quiet. Still packing, the more and more I pack the more and more junk I realize I have. I've been getting rid of a lot, mostly giving it to Paige, but theres a lot of stuff I'm going to see if I can sell it on craigslist.
I'll be back in Myrtle Creek sometime next weekend, maybe this weekend. I will be back next weekend for sure, because Kayla is getting married! And that is something I cannot miss.
Hopefully I will get to see everyone before I get ready to leave!!
Kailey Christine
Thanks for the pictures. I printed both of them. . . . Very cute! And thanks for stopping by on Grandpa's birthday. . Catch you later
Love, Nanny
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